#24: From One Small Seed

Welcome to our current Wednesdays in the Word study! Knowing Jesus is a step-by-step look at Jesus’ life through the “lens” of Mark’s gospel. Today’s post will be a bit unusual. I want to tell you a story—a… Read More

#21: Choosing Right When Wrong Feels Better

Welcome to our study, Knowing Jesus! Last week, we completed Mark 3. (In the archives you’ll find any posts you missed.) By the end of this study, we’ll have a pretty detailed picture of the life of Christ… Read More

#19: How to Handle Betrayal

Has a friend turned on you? exposed secrets you’d spoken in confidence? lied about you? Worse, has a spouse broken your trust? If so, you know the pain of betrayal. It hurts. You’ve cried, “How could I have… Read More

#17: Envy—Four Ways it Destroys (Part 1)

Glad you’re here, joining in as we begin studying Mark 3 in Knowing Jesus! Envy—nicknamed “the green-eyed monster”—has been gnawing on humans since Eden, when satan’s siren song enticed Eve to eat forbidden fruit out of desire to… Read More

#14: New Wine

Happy Wednesday! Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our study through Mark’s gospel. Last week we saw Jesus criticized for hanging out with “sinners.” Today, we’ll see Him tell His critics, “Get used to it. I haven’t come to bring… Read More

#13: An Example of Grace

Glad you’re joining us for Knowing Jesus—our study on Mark. If you’ve ever felt the sting of judgmental attitudes, you’ll appreciate the theme of today’s study. Christians who have been saved by God’s mercy can be very unmerciful!… Read More

#12: The Heart-Reader

Welcome back to our study on Mark! My prayer is that each week you’re getting to know Jesus better. Today we’ll see Jesus’ insight into our hearts, needs and motives. Open your Bible and take a look at… Read More

#11: Lessons Learned

Welcome back to our study on Mark. We’re on a mission to know Jesus better. So glad you’re here! Pick up your Bible and read on. Read Mark 1, letting your mind wander back over all we’ve discussed… Read More

#10: Touching Lepers

Hi! So happy to be with you again to study Mark’s gospel. If you’re just joining us, you’ll find earlier posts from this series in the archive. Each week we add another piece to the portrait of Jesus—the… Read More

#9: R & R With Purpose

I’m so glad you’re back for another post of our study on Mark. We’ve set out to know Jesus as the living Word, who “speaks” or expresses God in a way we can understand. (See the first blog… Read More