#64: Mountain-Moving Faith

My favorite type of novel opens with several seemingly unrelated story lines. Slowly, chapter by chapter, the pieces come together. In time it’s clear that the stories are related. As the details fall into place, one cohesive tale… Read More

#62: The Passion of Jesus

Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our study of Christ’s life through the Spirit-inspired pen of Mark. Our goal is to learn all we can from Jesus, who stepped down from glory into human flesh so we could see how… Read More

#61: Three Forgotten Steps to Christian Maturity

Gerald was a stubborn man. Downright mean to his wife, his marriage had been a matter of sheer endurance for years. Gerald showed up for church services every Sunday at 10:45 on the dot and was proud of… Read More

#59: Trashing the Trivial

Maria is a very good Bible teacher. She invests a lot of time preparing sessions for her class of kids. One year for Easter Sunday, she’d worked hard and felt especially good about the lesson she’d planned. Sunday… Read More

#57: What’s Your Limit?

My new friend Becky has a chicken coop in her yard. It’s a really nice new chicken coop that she and her husband worked hard to build. But it’s empty. No chickens. Not even a peep. You see,… Read More

#56: Like a Child

It had been a long day, begun by a troubling phone call that left me rushed to get to work, then several hours filled with unusually difficult, demanding customers. I came home with head aching and shoulders tight…. Read More

#52: Incidental Greatness

Miss Ivy was a small woman, gray-haired and African-American, with a soft Virginia accent. She worked for many years as hostess in the breakfast room at the Best Western in Colonial Williamsburg. Our family traveled a lot; we’d… Read More

#42: A Golden Exchange

Welcome to Knowing Jesus, our study of Jesus’ life viewed through the lens of Mark’s gospel. As the Word made flesh (Jn. 1:14), Jesus came to “speak” or express God in human terms—to demonstrate how God would live… Read More

#39: Living From the Heart

If I ask twelve Christians to give me a list of the ten most sinful things fellow Christians do, I will get a dozen different responses. Oh, there will be two or three common items. But one person’s… Read More

#31: Would You Know Him?

If I’d lived in Jesus’ day, would I have recognized Him as the Messiah? Would I have accepted His deity? I think about it a lot. Apparently, I’m not the only one. Singer/songwriter Wayne Watson wrote a powerful… Read More